911 sign blade and posts are sold by appointment only
960 Franklyn Ave.
Marengo, IA 52301
Driving Directions
Mailing Address
960 Franklyn Ave
Marengo, IA 52301
Contact Information
Our Team
911 Coordinator
Uniform Rural Address System
A 1993 Ordinance mandated the establishment and use of the uniform rural address system for residents of Iowa County, Iowa, in order to promote the safety, convenience and general welfare of all residents, public and private service providers, and provides for penalties for violations.
This ordinance is being enacted in conjunction with the provision of Enhanced 911 Emergency Telephone Service to the residents of Iowa County, Iowa. Residents can request an address be assigned to their parcel or if the existing blue 911 sign was damaged or lost, by contacting our office at (319) 642-7307.
Rural Address System Signing Ordinance