Effective February 5, 2025 the Iowa County Courthouse Phone Number will change to 319-642-3923 and all current numbers will be eliminated.

Private Wells

New Well Drilling Permits, GTC Well Plugging Program

Under the Iowa Grants to Counties program, we currently can assist with the cost of plugging abandoned wells and cisterns on your property. up to $700 will be reimbursed for a properly plugged well and up to $400 for a properly plugged cistern. This work needs to be completed by a certified well plugger.

Well Plugging Form

Well Rehabilitation is also included in the GTC program, for more details, please contact the Environmental Health Office at 319-642-0107.

For drilling of New Wells, please contact the Environmental Health Office at 319-379-2400.

Free Well Water Tests - Iowa County Environmental Health is offering free well water tests for anyone who has a private well in Iowa County. It is recommended that well water be tested at least once a year. testing also allows you to know the quality of the water that is in your well.