Frequently Asked Questions
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Assessor Auditor Conservation Emergency Medical Services Engineer Environmental Health Recorder Sheriff Treasurer Show AllAssessor
Residential, commercial, and industrial real property are assessed at 100% market value. Market value of a property is an estimate of the price that it would sell for on the open market on the first day of January of the year of assessment. This is often referred to as the “arms-length transaction” or “willing buyer/willing seller” concept. The Assessor must determine the fair market value of real property. To do this, the Assessor generally uses three approaches to value.
Market Approach
The first approach is to find properties that are comparable to the subject property and that have recently sold. Local conditions peculiar to the subject property are then considered. In order to adjust for local conditions, the Assessor also uses sales ratio studies to determine the general level of assessment in a community. This method is generally referred to as the MARKET APPROACH and is usually considered the most important in determining the value of residential property.
Cost Approach
The second approach to value is the COST APPROACH, which is an estimate of how many dollars at current labor and material prices it would take to replace a property with one similar to it. In the event the improvement is not new, appropriate amounts of depreciation and obsolescence are deducted from replacement value. Value of the land is added to arrive at an estimate of total property value.
Income Approach
The INCOME APPROACH is the third method used if the property produces income. If the property is an income-producing property, it could be valued according to its ability to produce income under prudent management; in other words, what another investor would give for a property in order to gain its income. The income approach is the most complex of the three approaches because of the research, information and analysis necessary for an accurate estimate of value. This method requires thorough knowledge of local and national financial conditions, as well as any developmental trends in the area of the subject property being appraised since errors or inaccurate information can seriously affect the final estimate of value.
Agricultural real property is assessed at 100% of productivity and net earning capacity value. The Assessor considers the productivity and net earning capacity of the property. Agricultural income as reflected by production, prices, expenses, and various local conditions are taken into account.
It is your legal responsibility to report to the Assessor changes or improvements to your real estate. 441.24 (1) Code of Iowa provides:
If a person refuses to furnish the verified statements required in connection with the assessment of property by the assessor, or to list the corporation’s or person’s property, the director of revenue and finance or assessor, as the case may be, shall proceed to list and assess the property according to the best information obtainable and shall add to the taxable valuation one hundred percent thereof, which valuation and penalty shall be separately shown, and shall constitute the assessment; and if the valuation of the property is changed by a board of review or on appeal from a board of review, a like penalty shall be added to the valuation thus fixed.
There are many things you should report to your local assessor like:
- New buildings
- Buildings removed, torn down or damaged by fire or flood
- Remodeling (interior and exterior)
- Additions to house or buildings
- New furnace / central air
- Mobile homes
- Fireplaces
- Basement or attic finish
- Decks, patios, and garages
Please call your local assessor’s office to report any changes to your property. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
- January 1: Effective date of current assessment
- April 2 thru April 30: Protest of assessment period for filing with Board of Review
- May 1 thru Adjournment: Board of Review meets each year
- July 1: Sign up deadline Homestead Tax Credit & Military Exemption
- November 1: Sign up deadline for Family Farm Tax Credit
- October 9 thru October 31: Protest period for filing with Board of Review on properties affected by changes in value of Director of Revenue and Finance Equalization Orders (odd-numbered years only)
The Assessor is charged with several administrative and statutory duties. The primary duty and responsibility is to assess all real property within the Assessor’s jurisdiction except that which is otherwise provided by law. This would include residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural classes of property.
Real property is revalued every two years. The effective date of the assessment is January first of each year. The Assessor determines a full or partial value for all new construction and improvements depending upon their state of completion as of that January first date.
The Assessor DOES NOT:
- Collect taxes
- Calculate taxes
- Determine tax rate
- Set policy for the Board of Review
The Assessor is concerned with value, not taxes. Taxing jurisdictions such as schools, cities and county, adopt budgets after public hearings. This determines the tax levy, which is the rate of taxation required to raise the money budgeted.
After properties have been appraised, the values are analyzed to ensure accurate and equitable assessments. Iowa law requires that all real property be reassessed every two years. The current law requires the reassessment to occur in odd-numbered years. Changes in market value as indicated by research, sales ratio studies, and analysis of local conditions as well as economic trends both in and outside the construction industry are used in determining property assessments.
If you disagree with the Assessor’s estimate of value, please consider these two questions:
- What is the actual market value of my property?
- How does the value compare to similar properties in the neighborhood?
If you have any questions about the assessment of your property, please contact the Assessor’s office.
A written protest may be filed with the Iowa County Board of Review, which is composed of individuals from various areas of the county who are familiar with local market conditions and trends. The Board operates independently of the Assessor’s office and has the power to confirm or to adjust upward or downward any assessment. An individual may petition to the Property Assessment Appeal Board or district court if they are not satisfied with the Board of Review’s decision.
No. In Iowa you can only request an absentee ballot for yourself.
Yes. You may request an absentee ballot via email or fax and a ballot will be mailed to you. However, in order for your ballot to be counted you must also mail in or drop off the original paper ballot request.
No. Under Iowa law, power of attorney does not apply for all election related matters.
The only people who may return a ballot for a voter are:
- someone living in the voter’s household
- an immediate family member
- a special precinct election official delivering a ballot for health care residents
- a delivery agent, in the case of a voter unable to return a ballot due to blindness or other disability
Yes! Your absentee ballot cannot be counted unless you have signed the affidavit envelope that you return your ballot in. If we receive a ballot back that has not been signed we will attempt to contact you to get this fixed. Once contacted, you may decide to either:
- Request a replacement ballot and return it by 8:00 p.m. on election day
- Vote at the polls on election day
- Sign the affidavit in person at the county auditor’s office by 8:00 p.m. on election day
Yes. There is a myth that absentee ballots only get counted if the election is close, however, this is not true. Under Iowa law, every ballot must be counted.
You are allowed to hand deliver your ballot to the Auditor’s office up until the time the polls close on Election Day. If you return your ballot through the mail, your ballot must arrive by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, with exceptions for individuals in the Safe at Home program and military/overseas citizens. Learn more on our Absentee Voting page.
Election Day
Yes. If you need assistance filling out your ballot ask a poll worker for help. A team of one republican and one democrat will come over and help you mark your ballot. Also available in each polling location is a ballot marking device that will read you all of the choices and then print out your marked ballot.
Yes. Iowa law allows for Election Day registration if you are able to provide proof of identification (i.e. valid photo ID) and proof of residency (i.e. utility bill with your name on it if your ID has an outdated address on it). If you are unable to provide one or both of these you are allowed to bring someone with you to attest that you have the right to vote.
Yes. If you have not returned your absentee ballot you may go to your polling place on Election Day and vote a regular ballot.
Beginning January 1, 2019, Iowa voters will be required to show a driver’s license, non-driver’s ID, passport, military ID, veterans ID, Tribal ID or Voter ID Card at the polls before they vote. Voters, starting in 2019, without an ID may cast a provisional ballot or have another registered voter attest to their identity.
Yes. While it is recommended that you update your information prior to Election Day to speed things up at the polls, you may wait and do so on Election Day. If you are updating your address just make sure you are going to the polling place for your new address. When updating your address you will now need to provide proof of identity and proof of residency.
Yes. If you are unable to go inside the polling place a team of election workers will be sent out to your car to help you vote.
Yes. When you go to vote, a poll worker will verify with the auditor’s office that your absentee ballot has not been returned. If it is confirmed that the auditor’s office has not received a ballot from you then you will be given a new ballot to vote there.
Starting in January of 2019 you will be required to show identification. If you need to register to vote on Election Day, you must bring proof of identification and proof of residency.
Starting in 2019, if you do not have your ID with you, you may either cast a provisional ballot or have another registered voter attest to your identity. Learn more about provisional ballots and attesting on our Voter ID page.
So long as you are in line to vote at the time the polls close you will be allowed to vote.
If a voter’s eligibility is in question on Election Day they are allowed to cast a provisional ballot. After the voter marks their ballot and returns it to the poll worker, the voter is required to provide the necessary identification or documentation at the polling place before it closes or provide it at the Auditor’s Office by noon on the following Monday. If the canvass will be held earlier than the following Monday, the identification must be provided before the canvass.
If it is determined that you do have the right to vote in the precinct in which you voted, your ballot will then be counted and included in the final vote total.
General Information
Yes. If you make a mistake on an absentee ballot mark your return envelope “Spoiled” and return it to the Auditor’s office either by mail or in person. If you return it by mail contact the Auditor’s office to be sent a new one.
On Election Day if you make a mistake on your ballot, return it to the poll worker to receive a new one. You are allowed up to three ballots so don’t make too many mistakes!
Yes. For each race on the ballot, a line is provided for you to write-in the name of someone for whom you wish to vote for. Make sure you color in the oval!
Yes and No. In Iowa, you must be a member of a political party (currently: Republican and Democratic) to vote in a primary election. However, anyone* can change parties on Election Day and vote. For independents to vote they must declare a political party.
*Precinct election officials may not change political parties within 30 days of an election.
No. You can vote for as much or as little as you would like; it’s all up to you!
Voter lists are available through the Auditor's Office or by following the process outlined on the Iowa Secretary of State website.
No. If you have already returned your absentee ballot to the Auditor’s office you may not request a new ballot if you have changed your mind on who you wish to vote for.
It depends on the election. In primary elections, you can only vote for candidates from the party to which you belong. In general elections, you are free to vote for anyone you like, regardless of their party affiliation.
Registered voters who do not have an Iowa driver’s license or non-operator’s ID were issued a voter ID card. Voter ID cards must be signed before going to the polls. The new voter ID card will contain a PIN number that will be used for voting purposes. If you should have a voter ID card and do not, please contact our office to have one sent to you.
Starting in 2019, voters must provide an ID when going to vote. Voters who do not have ID will be allowed to either cast a provisional ballot or have another registered voter attest to their identification. Learn more about provisional ballots and attesting on our Voter ID page.
There are 6 approved types of identification that may be used:
- an Iowa Driver’s License or Non-Operator ID
- a Voter ID issued by the Secretary of State or the Auditor’s Office
- a current US Passport
- a US Military ID
- a US Veteran’s ID
- a Tribal ID
Where you vote is determined by where you live and you must vote in the precinct to which you are assigned for your ballot to be counted. To find your polling place please visit the Polling Places page on our website.
No. All updates to voter registration must be made in writing or online through the Iowa DOT if you have an Iowa driver’s license.
Yes. Any eligible voter in Iowa may register to vote. Because many of those who are homeless have a nontraditional address they just need to provide an address or description of where they sleep the most, wherever that may be.
Those with a prior felony conviction are only permitted to vote if their voting rights have been restored by the Governor, including through Executive Order. For more information about restoration of rights, contact the Governor’s office or visit the voter registration page on our website.
No. You would only need to re-register if your information has changed and you need to update it.
If you have moved recently and need to update your address for voting, all you have to do is fill out a new voter registration form and submit it to the Auditor’s office. If you do not update your address after a move through a new voter registration form and do not vote in the next general election, you will be marked inactive (inactive voters may still vote with proper ID). Registration will be canceled if two more general elections pass with no voter activity.
If you notice a mistake on your voter card please contact the Auditor’s Office and/or submit a new registration form to correct your information.
Iowa does not recognize an “independent” party. Instead, “No Party” is used to indicate a lack of affiliation with a political party.
Call RARE (Raptor Advocacy, Rehabilitation, and Education) located in Iowa City, Iowa.
To report an injured raptor: Call 319-248-9770. If they are unable to take your call, please leave a message with your name and phone number. They monitor their phone messages and email several times a day, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
RARE seeks to enrich lives by engaging in and promoting responsible stewardship of the environment through education, research, and proactive efforts to preserve wildlife. Visit The Rare Group's website at:
- Ladora Stora
900 Pacific St.,
Ladora, IA 52251
- Swift's Hardware
284 Western Ave.,
Marengo, IA 52301
- Ace Hardware
205 W. Welsh St.,
Williamsburg, IA 52361
- or go online and pay with a credit card at
Currently Lake Iowa Park Campground is a first come first serve campground. We generally only fill all sites on Memorial Day, Labor Day and Creepy Camping weekends. On those weekends we post remaining sites on our Lake Iowa Facebook page if it looks like we will fill up.
The Lake Iowa campground is divided into 2 sections. Each section has a shower house. The front half of the campground remains open and electricity is on year round. The back half of the campground is open May through October. Electricity and water are shut off to the back half of the campground in mid-October. Shower houses are winterized and closed when temperatures drop below freezing.
Registering for an Event
Our annual Creepy Camping weekend is held the last weekend in September. Campers may begin camping at their site 14 days before their planned check out date. If you plan to stay for the entire Creepy Camping weekend then you can set up camp on the Sunday 2 weeks before Creepy Camping. You may "reserve" a site by erecting a tent that an adult can sleep in on the site you want and pay for the nights the tent is there. If tents are not erected they will be removed and the site will be available to others.
Reserving a Facility
There is no registration process at Lake Iowa Park when you arrive for your cabin rental. During the online reservation process you selected a 4-digit code which you will use on the door handle keypad to open the door. If any problems arise during your reservation you can contact a ranger by calling 319-655-8465 during business hours or 319-540-9932 after hours.
You are allowed to pick mushrooms in any of our parks but, per our rules and regulations, collection of nuts, fruits or mushrooms for any commercial purpose is prohibited. (Do we know where the good morel spots are? Yes. Will we tell you? No)
No. Fireworks are not allowed in any Iowa County Conservation property at any time.
- Gunderson Wildlife Area
- Pheasant Ridge Wildlife Area
- English River Wildlife Area
- I-80 Wildlife Area
- Big Bend Conservation
- Butler Timber Reserve
- Bertsler Woods
- Simmons Timber Reserve
- Schlesselman Wildlife Area
Emergency Medical Services
Check payments may be sent to: Iowa County Ambulance, 970 Court Ave. Marengo, IA 52301. You can also pay your bill with a credit card online at:
Ambulance transport costs can vary depending on the level of medical care the patient needs and the transported distance to the hospital. Generally, bills can be expected to be between $750.00 and $1300.00.
Please see our Transportation and Billing Information page for more.
If you have any questions regarding Ambulance policies, please contact the EMS Director at 319-741-6105 extension 10.
Medicare and state/federal funded insurance plans only pay to the closest appropriate hospital. If you chose to bypass the closest hospital then you may receive a bill for non-covered mileage depending on what your signs & symptoms were when the ambulance picked you up.
Please see our Transportation and Billing Information page for more.
If you have any questions regarding Ambulance policies, please contact the EMS Director at 319-741-6105 extension 10.
If you don’t think you were billed correctly and wish to dispute the charges on your ambulance bill, please contact our billing company.
PCC Ambulance Billing Service at 1-877-882-9911 or visit their website
ABNs are Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage. EMS staff may ask you to sign an ABN if you choose to go to a hospital that is not the closest hospital. ABN’s are also used when there is a possibility that Medicare will determine that ambulance transport is not medically necessary.
Please contact Jason Schott at to schedule CPR training.
Yes, financial donations can be made out to the Iowa County EMS Foundation. The mailing address is 355 W. Lucas St. Marengo, IA 52301.
The Iowa County EMS Foundation is a charitable organization created in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. As a charitable organization under IRS Code, donations to the EMS Foundation are tax deductible.
If you have any questions, please contact Iowa County EMS Foundation Executive Director, Adam Rabe at (319) 741-6105 ext. 10
Generally, snow removal units will not operate between the hours of 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. on the paved routes and between the hours of 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. on the unpaved roads. See Code of Ordinances.
Your mailbox and post should be able to withstand potential discharge from snowplows. Please take time, in the Fall of the year to evaluate your mailbox’s integrity. Mailboxes must meet the standards of the United States Postal Service. The County will not replace mailboxes damaged or knocked down by the force of snow thrown from the plow per Code of Ordinances.
Fill out the Entrance Permit application, found here. Applications can be emailed to or dropped off at the main office. Permits will not be processed until the $50 permit fee is received, and work cannot be started until a field inspection has been completed.
Residents apply for dust control by contacting one of our approved vendors. Dust control is applied typically in mid-May and June. Per County Policy, dust control season ends on October 15th, and normal blading operations resume.
Please contact the Zoning Department.
Please call the 911 Coordinator. All other directional signs are handled by the Engineer Department.
The Road Department possesses an easement in order to maintain the road for public usage. The amount of right-of-way varies from road to road. If you need to know a specific ROW for a road, please call the office at 319-642-3721. Landowners may not place or cause to be placed, an obstruction within any county right-of-way per Iowa Code.
Please contact Environmental Health.
Environmental Health
To install a septic or make repairs to a septic system in Iowa County, you must be CIOWTS certified and carry a $20,000 bond with the Iowa County Board of Health.
No. Abstracts are not filed in our office.
No. The Iowa County Clerk of Court can help you with divorce records. You may contact them at (319) 642-3914.
People have a lawyer create one. We can file the deed in our office. All documents recorded must meet Iowa document formatting standards.
The Iowa County Recorder’s Office is open from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Marriage applications no later than 4 p.m. You must call for a passport appointment at (319) 642-3622.
Credit Cards, Cash, Checks or Money Orders.
New Passport Applications require a check or money order that will be sent in with the application.
Veterans and individuals with entitlement. For more information, please contact our office at 319-642-3622.
Birth records of persons born in foreign countries who are citizens at birth may write to:
Passport Services Correspondence Branch
US Department of State
1111 19th Street NW Suite 510
Washington DC 20522-1705
To obtain a copy of your birth certificate, you can make an appointment to come in person or apply by mail. We should have your record if you were born in Iowa County, your parents were married at the time of your birth, and you were not adopted. We also have single parent birth's after July of 1995 through the present day. We may not have your birth certificate if you were born in the years 1921 through 1941, but we can forward your request to the state. If you apply in person, you will need to fill out an application, bring your photo I.D., and $15.00 cash/check. If you apply by mail, complete and sign* the Vital Record Application. Please enclose a $15.00 money order.
*All signatures must be notarized. If the request is by mail, the applicant must sign in front of a Notary Public and include a clear photocopy of the applicant's current government-issued photo identification.
The Iowa Department of Public Health has birth certificates for all Iowa births. Vital Chek can process your request by phone at 866-809-0290. For Iowa births, we can also forward your request to the state or correct county. If you have any questions, please call the recorder's office at 319-642-3622. For births outside of Iowa, you will need to contact the vital records department in the state of your birth or go to the CDC's website.
A certified copy has what most refer to as a “raised seal” and states that the copy is a true and correct reproduction of the original record from the state or county. An uncertified copy or a “plain” copy has no seal or verbiage indicating authenticity. An uncertified copy also has a stamp noting “not for legal purposes”.
Yes, the license is valid in any county in the state of Iowa. It is not valid outside of Iowa.
Yes. In fact, a marriage provides the opportunity to legally change your name. Because of this, it is important to complete the application correctly and in full. Do not use initials or nick names unless you wish them to become your legal name.
None. A marriage can take place at any time once a divorce is final. However, you may not apply for the marriage license until the divorce is final.
A leader of a religious institution or an Associate District or District Judge. The fees and availability for each Judge may vary.
Processing times can vary depending on workload and occasional unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters. For more information on passports and/or processing times please go to
The Iowa County Recorder’s Office is located on the first floor of the courthouse.
The Recorder’s Office processes transactions for the Department of Natural Resources. This includes: boat, snowmobile, ATV & ORV titles/registrations. Also included is hunting and fishing licenses, deer, and turkey tags.
For more information, visit the Iowa DNR website.
Sheriff Sales
- No, if the residence is occupied.
- Yes, if the residence is occupied and you get permission to enter from the enters.
Absolutely not.
No. And the Sheriff's Office cannot give permission for you to enter a residence.
You may "hold" your bid by writing a personal check to the Iowa County Sheriff for the full amount you bid if your check is accompanied by a Letter of Guarantee from the bank you are writing the check on. Depending on where you bank, you will be given enough time to go to your bank and get a cashier's check for the full amount you bid and return it to Iowa County Sheriff's Office. At that time you will receive back your personal check. In any event, this transaction must be completed by 3:00 pm of the day of the sale.
Another possibility is if you know the maximum you are going to bid, you may have a cashier's check fo that amount already made payable to the Iowa County Sheriff. If your actual bid is less than that, you will be refunded the difference.
The judgment holder almost always starts the bidding. Generally, the judgment holder bids in writing a plaintiff's bid on judgment. This bid is usually given to the Sheriff's Office before the day of the sale. The judgment holder's bid, if given to the Sheriff prior to the sale, is considered a sealed bid and will not be disclosed until the sale is called.
These are questions for your attorney.
This is a question for your attorney.
If you purchase property with a redemption period, you will be issued a Certificate of Purchase. When the redemption period is up, you must then return the original Certificate of Purchase to the Sheriff and you will then receive a Sheriff's Deed. It is very important you do not lose the original Certificate of Purchase. If you lose it, you will not receive a Sheriff's deed until you get a court order directing the Sheriff to issue you a duplicate Certificate fo Purchase. (626.96) If you fail to have a Sheriff's Deed issued within 8 years after the date of issuance of the Certificate of Purchase, the Sheriff's Sale will be canceled. (626.97)
This is a question for your attorney.
Taxes stay with the property. If you made the purchase, you are now responsible for the taxes.
Clear title is not guaranteed to real property sold at a Sheriff's Sale.
If the sale notice indicates there is a redemption period, that is the amount of time the defendant has the right to redeem the real estate after the sale. If the defendant makes redemption, this must be completed at the Iowa County Clerk of Court's Office.
Pursuant to the Code of Iowa, 626.85, the judgment holder mya proceed against you for the amount you bid. If the judgment holder does not wish to proceed against you, the sale will be treated as a nullity and the Sheriff's Office will then proceed as mandated by the Code of Iowa.
In a Special Execution, the Court directs what the Sheriff shall sell. In a General Execution, the plaintiff directs the Sheriff what to sell. If the plaintiff directs the Sheriff to sell real estate pursuant to a General Execution, the Sheriff sells only the right, title, and interest the defendant has in the real estate. before bidding for any real estate at a Sheriff's sale, it is wise to consult an attorney.
This is a question for your attorney.
Driver's License
You can renew in our office 30 days before and 60 days after your expiration date. If you are over a year expired you will have to retest.
- An operator’s license is $4 per year.
- A CDL is $8 per year.
Call our office at 319-642-3921 to make an appointment to replace your license.
An ID costs $8 and is good for 8 years. The same documents are needed to get an ID as getting a driver's license.
Yes, the paper license expires in 30 days. Your real plastic license should arrive in the mail within that time frame. If it has not arrived in 30 days, please call the number on the back of the paper copy to see if it has been returned to them, if they can track it for you, or if they can give us permission to reissue.
We do driving tests on Wednesdays by appointment only. We do not do CDL or motorcycle drive tests.
For a CDL driving test, Visit the Iowa DOT website to schedule an appointment.
Phone: 515-244-8725
Fax: 515-239-1837
They will need their birth certificate, social security card, and a parent with them. If the parent cannot be present, they will need to bring in a signed parent affidavit form.
They must have taken driver's education and held their permit for 6 months with no accidents or citations. They will need to fill out a Minor School Affidavit and have it signed by their principal. Most schools have these at their disposal.
Yes, as long as they are the parents. No other address can be put on the form. No address out of the school district is allowed. Put the second address under “Additional address that student intends to drive from" on the Minor School Affidavit.
You will need to bring in a parent and your current permit. You must have taken driver's ed, held a permit for one year, and have a clean driving record for the past six months.
You will need to bring in a parent to sign if you are under 18. You must have held the intermediate license for a year with a clean record. After you turn 18, those requirements are no longer needed.
Motor Vehicles
- on the Iowa Tax and Tags website
- at the counter or
- by mail
Depending on what you need to do. If you are only needing to renew your registration(s), turn in plates for refunds, swap out for vanity plates, or do a title transfer you do NOT need an appointment.
Driver’s License is the only department within the Treasurer’s office that requires appointments.
Your PIN is specific to you and should not change so you can use it from year to year. The PIN is located on your renewal notice in the top right-hand corner. If you cannot find it, you can contact our office at 319-642-3921.
Yes. The new owner does not need to be present at the time of transfer. However, the new owner will have to have the appropriate forms completed beforehand. If you are transferring a title on behalf of another person, you may download Form 411007 from the Iowa DOT website. They must complete and sign this form.
Download Form 411033 from the Iowa DOT website.
There is a 5-day waiting period if the original title is lost. (If the original has been altered or spoiled in some way, please submit the original title to us with Form 411033 and we will process a replacement title in the same day.)
Anybody whose name is on the face of the title MUST sign the replacement application.
The replacement title must be ordered where the title was made (county specific). The fee is $25.00.
Most personalized license plates can be ordered online on the Iowa DOT website.
You must complete the inspection form on the DOT website and then contact the sheriff’s office to schedule an inspection with them.
Visit the Iowa DOT website for more information.
Property Tax
Because we run on a fiscal year and not a calendar year:
- First half taxes are September 1st, delinquent October 1
- Second half taxes are due March 1st, delinquent April 1
You may pay by any of the following convenient ways:
- Through the mail. Postmark must be by September 30 for the first half payment and March 31 for the second half payment to avoid penalty.
- In our office at the Courthouse from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Online through the Iowa Tax and Tags website. You must have the 5-digit receipt number located on your tax statement available.
Taxes are billed every fall and statements typically go out in the mail in mid-late August.
Your receipt number is printed on your statement. If you need assistance finding your receipt number please call our office at 319-642-3921.
Almost all credits are applied for through the Assessor's Office.*
*The one we handle is the elderly/disabled credit which is a paper that has to be completed each year. It is due by June 1st and you’re qualified based on yearly household income.
1.5% penalty is assessed per month after the due date.
The tax sale is the sale of any unpaid property taxes within the county as of the first part of June. The tax sale is held electronically on the third Monday in June.