Effective February 5, 2025 the Iowa County Courthouse Phone Number will change to 319-642-3923 and all current numbers will be eliminated.

Voting Precincts

Polling locations and precincts may change depending on the type of election. If you are unsure of where to vote, please contact the Auditor's Office and we will help you find where you need to go.

Find Your Polling Place

Visit the Secretary of State's website to find where you go to vote on Election Day.

List of Precincts

Precincts and polling locations are listed below. Use the map marker icon to generate driving directions. Note: Election precincts in Iowa County are the same as Supervisor Districts.

Iowa County Precinct Map

Dayton/English I
Millersburg City Hall
461 Washington St.
Millersburg, IA 52308
English II
North English Fire Station
210 N. Main St.
North English, IA 52316
Parnell City Hall
600 Cleveland St.
Parnell, IA 52325
Hartford I/Sumner
Iowa County Secondary Road Shop
105 East St.
Ladora, IA 52251
Hartford II/Lincoln
Victor Public Library
712 2nd St.
Victor, IA 52347
Hilton Township Hall
550 7th Ave.
Conroy, IA 52220
Honey Creek/Marengo Rural
Marengo Public Library
1020 Marengo Ave.
Marengo, IA 52301
Middle Amana Fire Station
2725 K St.
Amana, IA 52203
Marengo City
American Legion Hall
1669 Court Ave.
Marengo, IA 52301
Williamsburg Recreation Center
939 S. Highland St.
Williamsburg, IA 52361
Williamsburg City
Williamsburg Recreation Center
939 S. Highland St.
Williamsburg, IA 52361