Effective February 5, 2025 the Iowa County Courthouse Phone Number will change to 319-642-3923 and all current numbers will be eliminated.
How do I pay my ambulance bill?
Check payments may be sent to: Iowa County Ambulance, 970 Court Ave. Marengo, IA 52301. You can also pay your bill with a credit card online at:
How much does an ambulance transport cost?
Ambulance transport costs can vary depending on the level of medical care the patient needs and the transported distance to the hospital. Generally, bills can be expected to be between $750.00 and $1300.00.
Please see our Transportation and Billing Information page for more.
If you have any questions regarding Ambulance policies, please contact the EMS Director at 319-741-6105 extension 10.
Why did I receive a bill for non-covered mileage?
Medicare and state/federal funded insurance plans only pay to the closest appropriate hospital. If you chose to bypass the closest hospital then you may receive a bill for non-covered mileage depending on what your signs & symptoms were when the ambulance picked you up.
Please see our Transportation and Billing Information page for more.
If you have any questions regarding Ambulance policies, please contact the EMS Director at 319-741-6105 extension 10.
What if I want to dispute my ambulance bill?
If you don’t think you were billed correctly and wish to dispute the charges on your ambulance bill, please contact our billing company.
PCC Ambulance Billing Service at 1-877-882-9911 or visit their website
What is an ABN form and why did I get asked to sign one?
ABNs are Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage. EMS staff may ask you to sign an ABN if you choose to go to a hospital that is not the closest hospital. ABN’s are also used when there is a possibility that Medicare will determine that ambulance transport is not medically necessary.
How do I get CPR certified?
Can I make a donation to Iowa County EMS?
Yes, financial donations can be made out to the Iowa County EMS Foundation. The mailing address is 355 W. Lucas St. Marengo, IA 52301.
The Iowa County EMS Foundation is a charitable organization created in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. As a charitable organization under IRS Code, donations to the EMS Foundation are tax deductible.
If you have any questions, please contact Iowa County EMS Foundation Executive Director, Adam Rabe at (319) 741-6105 ext. 10