Effective February 5, 2025 the Iowa County Courthouse Phone Number will change to 319-642-3923 and all current numbers will be eliminated.

Recreational Vehicles

How to register boats, all-terrain vehicles, off-road vehicles, dirt bikes, and snowmobiles.

ATV, ORV, and Snowmobiles

The Iowa County Recorder has the responsibility of registering and titling ATV’s, ORV's, and Snowmobiles of Iowa County residents. Registrations expire on December 31st of each year. Titles have been required on all ATV’s registered since January 2000 and on all Snowmobiles registered since January 1998.

Items needed when transferring an ATV, ORV, or Snowmobile:


The Iowa County Recorder has the responsibility of registering and titling vessels of Iowa County residents. Boat registrations expire on April 30th, every three years starting in 2007. Boat fees are based on the length of the boat. All Boats 17 feet and longer require a title (except canoes, kayaks and inflatable vessels).

Items needed when transferring a Boat:

If you purchase a recreational vehicle from a registered dealer, it is the dealer’s responsibility to send all paperwork and fees to the County Recorder for registration and transfer.

If you have any questions in regard to registering a recreational vehicle please contact the office. The rules and regulations are as per the Department of Natural Resources.

State Sales Tax Information

Sales of all recreational vehicles in Iowa are subject to the state sales tax of 6 percent plus local option taxes, if any. This applies to sales by Individuals, as well as dealers. Anyone purchasing a recreational vehicle from an individual should obtain a receipt that shows the cost of the vehicle. The buyer will then pay the sales tax on the cost of the vehicle to the County Recorder.